Rex’s Road to Recovery: Finding Comfort and Support with His Furry Family

A few months back, a heartwarming video was shared by a Reddit user showing two dogs comforting their anxious dog sibling. The video features a small Shih Tzu named Huxley and a white, deaf dog named Winnie, trying to console their big brother, Rex, who is a mix of English and French Mastiff. Rex has struggled with anxiety due to a traumatic past with abusive owners, but now finds solace in the loving paws of his caring siblings.

two dogs comforting another one on the couch

As per a research study from the University of Helsinki in Finland, it was found that dogs are more susceptible to anxiety-like behaviors, especially if they have been mistreated in their past. The study included 13,715 pet dogs from Finland, of which 72.5% exhibited signs of anxiety.

For instance, Rex, who was taken in by his current owner at 1.5 years old, had a troubled past with his previous abusive owners. They used to beat him and even considered putting him down due to what they perceived as aggressive behavior. As a result of this mistreatment, Rex developed fear and aggression issues, making it challenging for him to adjust to his subsequent owners.

In the image provided, two dogs can be seen comforting another anxious dog on the couch, highlighting the importance of providing support and understanding to pets dealing with anxiety and trauma.

two dogs comforting an anxious dog on the couch

Reddit user u/Creepy-Bite-3174 shared a heartwarming story about Rex, a dog who has come a long way since being adopted by his current owner 2.5 years ago. Despite still showing signs of anxiety, Rex now enjoys the company of his dog and human siblings. The owner shared that Rex was their first companion post-divorce, and they have helped each other immensely. In a video, Rex’s loving siblings can be seen providing comfort and affection whenever he feels anxious. Huxley, a fearless puppy, also plays a significant role in bringing joy and love to the family. Such a touching display of love and support among these furry friends truly warms the heart.

cute dog wearing sport shirt

Reddit user shared a heartwarming story about Winnie, the white dog, who happens to be deaf. Winnie relies on her companion Rex, who she has grown incredibly close to and follows everywhere. Despite Rex being quite vocal and sometimes growling when scared (not aggressively), Winnie, being deaf, accepts him completely and loves him as he is. Rex has adapted to Winnie’s “disability” and even helps her by being her ears and aiding her understanding of their surroundings. Together, Winnie and Huxley have played a significant role in Rex’s recovery and helped him come out of his shell. A beautiful image of two dogs relaxing together on the couch accompanied the heartwarming story.

two dogs relaxing together on the couch

On Reddit, this adorable trio of pets has stolen the hearts of many, garnering almost 21K upvotes. A Reddit user expressed their joy, stating how much they love Winnie, Rex, and Huxley. They also commended the owner for providing a happy home for these lovely dogs. After all the hardships Rex faced, it’s heartwarming to see him surrounded by such a loving family and canine siblings. The owner rightfully feels lucky to have such a cool dog in their life.

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